- Rasa Mladenovic. The Usage of Augmented Reality in Dental Education. In: Geroimenko V. (eds) Augmented Reality in Education. Springer Series on Cultural Computing. Springer. 2020
- Dragana Dakovic, Zoran Tatic, Slavoljub Tomic, Bojan Jovicic, Raša Mladenović. Dijagnostičke procedure u oralnoj medicini. Beograd. Medija centar Odbrana. 2021. [Serbian]
- Raša Mladenović. Inovativne nastavne metode u stomatološkom obrazovanju. U: Dušan Đurić et al. (Urednici) Farmakoterapijski priručnik za stomatologe. Drugo dopunjeno izdanje. Kragujevac. 2022. [Serbian]
- Zoran Vlahović, Simon Nikolić, Nataša Nikolić Jakoba, Sanja Simić, Radovan Jovanovič, Raša Mladenović, Milena Barać. CBCT u stomatologiji. Beograd. 2022. [Serbian]
- Rasa Mladenovic, Yue Yang, Zhi-gang Cai, Xin Peng, Yi Zhang, Chuan-bin Guo, Guang-yan Yu & Soh Hui Yuh. The Experience of Diagnosis and Management of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, and Dental Education During the Pandemic. In: Adibi, S., Rajabifard, A., Shariful Islam, S.M., Ahmadvand, A. (eds) The Science behind the COVID Pandemic and Healthcare Technology Solutions. Springer Series on Bio- and Neurosystems, vol 15. Springer, Cham. 2022.
- Rasa Mladenovic. AI-Powered and “Augmented” Dentistry: Applications, Implications and Limitations. In: Geroimenko, V. (eds) Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence. Springer Series on Cultural Computing. Springer, Cham. 2023.
- Jovan Mladenovic, Rade Grbic, Vladimir Cuk, Aleksandar Milosevic, Rasa Mladenovic. Hirurgija. Kosovska Mitrovica. 2023.
- BMC Oral Health - Guest Editor - Artificial Intelligence: Applications in Dentistry
- BMC Oral Health - Guest Editor - Teledentistry and Distance Learning: Improving Access to Oral Health Care and Education
- BMC Oral Health - Associate Editor
- Dental Traumatology IF 3.333
- International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry IF 3.455
- Computers in Biology and Medicine IF 4.589
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health IF 3.390
- BioMed Research International IF 3.411
- Psychology Research and Behavior Management IF 2.945
- BMC Oral Health IF 3.747
- Healthcare IF 2.645
- European Journal of Dental Education IF 2.355
- Journal of Dental Education IF 2.264
- Vojnosanitetski Pregled IF 0.168
- Local and Regional Anesthesia ESCI
- European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry ESCI
38 articles in SCIE / Science Citation Index Expanded
CIF > 60 / Cumulative Impact Factor
FIRST AUTHOR (17) † contributed equally
- Rasa Mladenovic, Zoran Arsic, Stefan Velickovic, Milan Paunovic Assessing the Efficacy of AI Segmentation in Diagnostics of Nine Supernumerary Teeth in a Pediatric Patient. Diagnostics 2023, 13, 3563. IF 3.7
- Rasa Mladenovic, Katarina Kalevski, Bojana Davidovic, Svjetlana Jankovic, Vladimir S. Todorovic, Miroslav Vasovic The Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Accurate Diagnosis and Treatment Planning of Non-Syndromic Supernumerary Teeth: A Case Report in a Six-Year-Old Boy. Children. 2023; 10(5): 839. IF 2.835
- Rasa Mladenovic, Marko Milosavljevic, Dragana Stanisic, Miroslav Vasovic. Importance of Artificial Intelligence in the analysis of children's CBCT imaging by dental students. J Dent Educ. 2022; 00: 00- 00. IF 2.313
- Sobia Zafar †, Kristina Mladenovic, Sakher AlQahtani, Chaitanya Puranik, Rasa Mladenovic †. Assessing the Pedological Impact of Local Anesthesia Dental Simulator as Serious Game. Applied Sciences. 2022; 12(7):3285. IF 2.679
- Rasa Mladenovic, Sakher AlQahtani, Kristina Mladenovic, Zoran Bukumiric, Sobia Zafar. Effectiveness of technology-enhanced teaching methods of undergraduate dental skills for local anaesthesia administration during COVID-19 era: students’ perception. BMC Oral Health. 2022;22:40. IF 3.747
- Rasa Mladenovic, Vladimir Matvijenko, Ljiljana Subaric, Kristina Mladenovic. Augmented Reality as E-learning Tool for Intraoral Examination and Dental Charting during COVID-19 era. J Dent Educ. 2021;1-3. IF 2.264
- Rasa Mladenovic, Filip Djordjevic. Effectiveness of Virtual Reality as a Distraction on Anxiety and Pain during Impacted Mandibular Third Molar Surgery under Local Anesthesia. Journal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2021;. IF 1.569
- Rasa Mladenovic, Kristina Mladenovic, Pavle Milanovic, Dragica Selakovic. Augmented reality technology as a method of distance learning for local anesthesia training. J Dent Educ. 2021; 1‐ 3. IF 2.264
- Rasa Mladenovic. A simple calculation of the maximum dose of the local anesthetic in pediatric dentistry with nomogram in Serbian. Vojnosanitetski pregled 2021 OnLine-First Issue 00, Pages: 22-22 IF 0.152
- Raša Mladenović, Bojana Davidović, Ivan Tušek, Olivera Tričković-Janjić, Kristina Mladenović. The effect of a mobile application for learning about traumatic dental injuries during the COVID-19 pandemic. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo 2021 OnLine-First Issue 00, Pages: 7-7 IF 0.142
- Rasa Mladenovic, Zoran Bukimiric, Kristina Mladenovic. Practice of local anesthesia applications in 3D environment during the COVID-19 pandemic. J Dent Educ. 2020;1–3. IF 2.264
- Raša Mladenović, Leandro Pereira, Filip Đorđević, Zoran Vlahović, Kristina Mladenović, Andrijana Cvetković, Brankica Martinović, Jovan Mladenović, Juliе Popovski. The use of mobile-aided learning in education of local anesthesia for the inferior alveolar nerve block. Vojnosanitetski pregled 2020; 77(8): 839–843 doi: 10.2298/VSP180622154M IF 0.405
- Rasa Mladenovic, Zoran Bukimiric, Kristina Mladenovic. The Influence of a Dedicated Mobile Application on Studying Traumatic Dental Injuries during Student Isolation. J Dent Educ. 2020;1-3 doi:10.1002/jdd.12250 IF 1.506
- Rasa Mladenovic, Dragana Dakovic, Leandro Pereira, Vladimir Matvijenko, Kristina Mladenovic. Effect of augmented reality simulation on administration of local anaesthesia in paediatric patients. Eur J Dent Educ. 2020;00:1–6 IF 2.355
- Rasa Mladenovic, Leandro Pereira, Kristina Mladenovic. The Impact of an Augmented Reality Application on Perception and Anxiety Level in Students during Administration of First Local Anesthetic Injection. BMC Oral Health. 2019;19:257:P42 IF 2.048
- Rasa Mladenovic, Andrijana Cvetkovic, Brankica Martinovic, Kristina Mladenovic, Milan Zivkovic, Zoran Arsic, Sasa Mladenovic, Tanja Zecevic Lukovic, Dragana Dakovic. Efficiency of chewable toothbrush in reduction of dental plaque in students. BMC Oral Health. 2019;19:58 IF 2.048
- Rasa Mladenovic, L.A.P. Pereira, Kristina Mladenovic, Nebojsa Videnovic, Zoran Bukumiric, Jovan Mladenovic. Effectiveness of Augmented Reality Mobile Simulator in Teaching Local Anesthesia of Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block. Journal of Dental Education April 2019;83(4):423-428 IF 1.506
- Nebojsa Videnovic, Jovan Mladenovic, Sladjana Trpkovic, Aleksandar Pavlovic, Milan Filipovic,Rasa Mladenovic, Sasa Mladenovic. Airway management in laparoscopic cholecystectomy – a comparative analysis. Acta Clinica Croatica. 2022;61(4):565-73 IF 0.932
- Ljubisa RIstic, Vojkan Lazic, Srdjan Postic, Nenad Jelic, Igor Djordjevic, Rasa Mladenovic. Connection between discolored gingiva of abutment teeth and presence of cast post. Vojnosanitetski pregled. 2023;(00):12–12. https://doi:10.2298/vsp221203012r IF 0.2
- Miona Vuletic, Vladimir Jakovljevic, Suzana Zivanovic, Milos Papic, Mirjana Papic, Rasa Mladenovic, Vladimir Zivkovic, Ivan Srejovic, Jovana Jeremic, Marijana Andjic, Aleksandar Kocovic, Jasmina Sretenovic, Slobodanka Mitrovic, Biljana Božin, Nebojša Kladar, Sergey Bolevich, Jovana Bradic. The Evaluation of Healing Properties of Galium verum-Based Oral Gel in Aphthous Stomatitis in Rats. Molecules 2022;27(15):4680. IF 4.927
- Mikic Mirko, Vlahovic Zoran, Stevanovic Momir, Arsic Zoran, Mladenovic Rasa*. The Importance of Correlation between CBCT Analysis of Bone Density and Primary Stability When Choosing the Design of Dental Implants—Ex Vivo Study. Thomography. 2022; 8(3)1293-1306. IF 3.358
- Zdravkovic Dejan, Jovanovic Milica, Papic Milos, Ristic Vladimir, Milojevic Samanovic Andjela, Kocovic Aleksandar, Sovrlic Miroslav, Vuletic Miona, Misic Aleksandra, Mladenovic Rasa*, Milosavljevic Marko, Todic Jelena. Application of the Kvaal Method in Age Estimation of the Serbian Population Based on Dental Radiographs. Diagnostics. 2022; 12(4):911. IF 3.706
- Kalevski Katarina, Vojinovic Jovan, Gajic Milica, Aleksic Ema, Tambur Zoran, Milutinovic Jovana, Borotic Nenad, Mladenovic Rasa*. The Outcomes of an Interventional Oral Health Program on Dental Students’ Oral Hygiene. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(24):13242. IF 3.390
- Gajic Milica, Vojinovic Jovan, Kalevski Katarina, Pavlovic Maja, Kolak Veljko, Vukovic Branislava, Mladenovic Rasa*, Aleksic Ema. Analysis of the Impact of Oral Health on Adolescent Quality of Life Using Standard Statistical Methods and Artificial Intelligence Algorithms. Children. 2021; 8(12):1156. IF 2.863
- Stevanovic Momir, Vujovic Sanja, Mladenovic Rasa*, Mikic Mirko, Vasovic Miroslav. Decompression procedure as a successful initial approach to large maxillary dentigerous cyst in 12- year-old boy - a case report. Vojnosanitetski pregled (2021); Online First December, 2021. IF 0.168
- Tričković Janjić Olivera, Cvetković Tatjana, Stojković Branislava, Mladenović Raša, Janjić Ranković Mila. A Comparative Study of Antioxidative Activity of Saliva in Children and Young Teenagers with and without Gingivitis. Medicina. 2021; 57(6):569. IF 2.43
- Dragana Dakovic, Rasa Mladenovic*, Ljubisa Ristic, Radoslav Jevtovic, Nebojsa Videnovic, Zoran Bukumiric. Effectiveness of an intraoral thermoformed splint with magnet device in patients with xerostomia and hyposalivation: A pilot study. J Oral Pathol Med. 2020; 00: 1– 7. IF 4.253
- Mladenovic Jovan, Videnovic Nebojsa, Mladenovic Kristina, Mladenovic Rasa*. Acute Gastric Volvulus in Eight-Year-Old Male. Indian Journal of Surgery. 2020;. IF 0.550
- Tanja Zečević Luković, Kristina Mladenović, Nikola Kostić, Nela Đonović, Bojan Milenković, Raša Mladenović*. Dislocation after primary unilateral total hip arthroplasty: hip geometry and risk factors (a matched cohort analysis). Online First 2020 doi: 10.2298/SARH190927051Z IF 0.142
- Arsić Zoran, Jovanović Radovan, Đorđević Aleksandar, Šehalić Meliha, Marjanović Dragan, Mikić Mirko, Vlahović Zoran, Raša Mladenović*. Clinical and microbiological effects of photodynamic therapy applied in non-surgical treatment of periodontitis. Vojnosanitetski pregled (2020); Online First June, 2020. doi: 10.2298/VSP200304060A M23 IF 0.272
- Đorđević Filip, Mihailović Branko, Mladenović Rasa*, Dubovina Dejan, Kostić Mirjana, Stanišić Jelena, Vlahović Zoran. CBCT analysis of bone density in bi-cortical defects after augmentation with alloplastic and xenogeneic bone substitutes: A study on domestic pigs. Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2020 OnLine-First (00):40-40 IF 0.272
- Stošović-Kalezić Ivana, Cvetković Andrijana, Stevanović Marko, Martinović Brankica, Milojković Zoraida, Mladenović Raša, Živković Milan, Đorđević Nadica, Ivanović Mirjana. Association between dental caries risk indicators and various stages of caries in newly erupted permanent teeth. Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2020 OnLine-First (00):39-39 IF 0.272
- Jovan Mladenovic, Nebojsa Videnovic, Kristina Mladenovic, Sasa Mladenovic, Rasa Mladenovic*. Primary hydatid disease of the transverse abdominal muscle A case report. Ann Ital Chir. 2020;9:S2239253X20031539 IF 0.793
- Dragana Daković, Margareta Lekić, Dubravko Bokonjić, Zoran Lazić, Tatjana Čutović, Raša Mladenović*. Evaluation of periodontal status and treatment needs of the Serbian Military Forces population. Vojnosanitetski pregled 2020 OnLine-First (00):10-10 IF 0.272
- Videnovic Nebojsa, Markovic N, Mladenovic Jovan, Jovic M, Mladenovic Rasa, Zdravkovic Ranko. Severe Anaphylactic Reaction to Diclofenac during Intravenous Anesthesia for In Vitro Fertilization. Case Reports in Emergency Medicine. 2019;2019:1-3
- Mirko Mikic, Zoran Vlahovic, Dragoslav Nenezic, Goran Videnovic, Danijela Ilic, Rasa Mladenovic*. Correlation of cbct analysis derived bone density parameters with primary implant stability – a clinical study. Vojnosanitetski pregled 2019 OnLine-First (00):134-134 IF 0.272
- Mladenovic Rasa, Djordjevic Filip, Ckonjovic Nikola, Mladenovic Kristina. Multidisciplinary Approach of Bilateral Lateral Incisor Anodontia Therapy. J Dent & Oral Disord. 2019;5(1):1111
- Jovan Mladenović , Nebojša Videnović, Milan Filipović, Raša Mladenović, Zlatan Elek. A case of athree-month-oldfemale infantwith incarcerated femoral hernia. Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo 2019;147(5-6):368-370 IF 0.299
- Nebojsa Videnovic, Jovan Mladenovic, Aleksandar Pavlovic, Slađana Trpkovic, Simon Nikolic, Milan Filipovic, Valentina Videnovic, Rasa Mladenovic. Protective Lung Ventilation Strategy Combined with Prone Position in the Treatment of Severe Pulmonary Aspiration Syndrome: An Experimental Study. J Vet Sci Technol 2018;9:4
- Mladenovic Rasa, Martinovic Brankica, Milojkovic Zoraida, Arsic Zoran, Djordjevic Filip. Plaque removal with chewable toothbrush in students. 22ND BASS Congress. Thessaloniki 2017; Apstract Book, PP 373
- Šehalić Meliha, Mladenović Rasa, Marjanović Dragan, Arsić Zoran. Učestalost mukogingivalnih anomalija Kosova i Metohije. II Kongres Preventivne stomatologije. Beograd 2018; Zbornik radova, PP 37
- Staletović Danijela, Šehalić Meliha, Marjanović Dragan, Milojković Zoraida, Arsić Zoran, Staletović Miloš, Mladenović Raša. Detekcija i distribucija Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans kod pacijenata obolelih od agresivne parodontopatije. Praxis medica 2016;45(2):1-5
- Martinović Brankica, Ilić Aleksandra, Cvetković Andrijana, Milojković Zoraida, Stošović-Kalezić Ivana, Mladenović Raša, Stevanović Marko. Stanje zdravlja zuba kod dece uzrasta 12 i 15 godina. Praxis medica 2016;45(1):11-15
- Milojković Zoraida, Martinović Brankica, Mladenović Raša. Stomatitis herpetica - značaj rane dijagnostike. Praxis medica 2016;45(1):77-79
- Arsić Zoran, Mladenović Raša, Staletović Danijela, Vlahović Zoran, Đorđević Filip, Jovanović Radovan, Simić Sanja. Procena zdravlja parodoncijuma stanovnika Kosova i Metohije. Praxis medica 2016;45(3-4): 45-49
- Martinović Brankica, Ivanović Mirjana, Milojković Zoraida, Mladenović Raša. Analiza mineralnog sastava hipomineralizovanih prvih stalnih molara. Vojnosanitetski pregled 2015;72(10):864-869 IF 0.269
- Đorđević Filip, Stanišić Jelena, Đorđević Aleksandar, Vlahović Zoran, Mladenović Raša. Bol i opravdanost straha od stomatološke intervencije. Praxis medica 2015;44(2):27-30
- Mladenović Raša, Cvetković Andrijana, Martinović Brankica, Milojković Zoraida, Arsić Zoran, Đorđević Filip. Upućenost, navike i ponašanje u vezi sa oralnim zdravljem dece u osnovnim školama na Kosovu i Metohiji. Praxis medica 2015;44(2):1-5
- Vujačić Ljiljana, Mladenovic Raša, Milić Milan. Insuflation advantages of low pressure in geriatric laparoscopic surgery. European Journal of Medical Research. 2011;16(1):1 IF 0.978
- Stevanovic Momir, Vujovic Sanja, Mladenovic Rasa*, Mikic Mirko, Vasovic Miroslav. Decompression procedure as a successful initial approach to large maxillary dentigerous cyst in 12- year-old boy - a case report. Vojnosanitetski pregled (2021); Online First December, 2021. IF 0.168